About Us

Healthcare Associates Providing Positive Education and Networking

What is HAPPEN?

HAPPEN stands for Healthcare Associates Providing Positive Education and Networking, and since it was formed in 1997 that’s exactly what we’ve done! We’re a non-profit 501(C)3 organization of healthcare providers with members from over 150 companies and organizations throughout the Treasure Valley. We were founded on the idea that our community needed a way to promote healthcare education and provide networking opportunities for professionals that support the senior population in the Treasure Valley.

Our membership includes representatives from major hospitals, assisted living communities, skilled nursing homes, home health and home care agencies, referral services, durable medical equipment companies and more.

HAPPEN is entirely volunteer-driven, and our efforts are supported through generous donations from our membership and the community in conjunction with nominal annual dues. These dues entitle our members to join us for a networking luncheon hosted by a different facility each month.  Every luncheon also features a presentation by a guest speaker.

Another of our major volunteer efforts is the annual “I Make it HAPPEN!” Caregiver of the Year Awards Banquet.  Our members work tirelessly throughout the year to solicit donations to sponsor the award, coordinate the banquet, and select the recipients from amongst the many amazing caregivers throughout the Treasure Valley.

Check out our calendar to find out what else we’re up to lately!

Community Calendar

Meet Our Board

HAPPEN’s board is made up entirely of volunteers from the Treasure Valley health care community, working hard to ensure that HAPPEN is all that it can be!

Aaron Flake – President

Independent Medicare Health Advisor

208-860-3441  —  healthadvisor@aaronflake.com

Cody Freston – Vice-President

Doctors Hospice

801-791-5710 — cody@seniorsbluebook.com

Ashley Pentzer – Treasurer

Horizon Home Health and Hospice

Heather Pinson – Secretary

The Cottages

Josh Sa – Membership Chair


Kathy Lacina – Education Chair

Michael Larkin – Web Developer

Word and Picture Factory

208-514-6630 – mlarkin32@gmail.com

Morgyn Rogers – Caregiver of the Year Chair

A Better Solution in Home Care

Brandie Kramer – Advisor

St. Alphonsus


Jackie Smith – Advisor

Shayne Burr – Advisor

208-898-4663 — sburr.rah@gmail.com

Mark Wight – Legal Consultant

Idaho Estate Planning

208-939-7658 — mwight@idahoestateplanning.com